What are?

“Transformative tastings” are experiential laboratories of internal and external change. They can be short-term or real journeys. They begin with the DUDUUM sensorial experience, preceded by a Storytelling and followed by a Journaling which, in an immediate and simple way, leads to a greater understanding, individual and collective, of our mental models, of our attitudes towards the new and end with the repetition of the DUDUUM experience and observation of what has changed.
Unlike our COURSES, they are organized tailor-made for and together with companies and organizations interested in promoting them internally.

What goals do they have?

That of accompanying groups of people in an experience - or path - of EXPANDED collective intelligence, which brings into play rationality, the world of senses and emotions, to face together challenges and opportunities linked to the issues considered most urgent for the context:

  • for businesses: listening topics, cultivating empathetic and collaborative relationships, leadership, empowerment, ...
  • for schools: themes of inclusion, motivation, empathic relationships, non-violent communication, relationship with money, ...
  • for groups: listening skills, cultivating empathetic relationships, non-violent communication, leadership, horizontal organisation, community and common good...

The "transformative tastings" are facilitated in collaboration with certified professionals, with whom we maintain relationships of deep trust.

Our courses

"Experience" laboratory

Duration: between 3-8 hours

  • meeting with the client, choosing the challenge/opportunity you want to face in the group
  • experiential laboratory

Ideal participation: 8-12 people maximum.

Method: in presence.

Languages: Italian (also possible in French, German or English)

Price: to be agreed

For further information, write to us or call us on 079/30.26.339.

"Path" laboratory

Duration: to be co-defined with the customer. The approach we favor is to co-design with the client and the stakeholders the path that we want to propose to achieve the set objective. For the result to be transformative, a motivated and responsible involvement of the leadership and subjects is needed, and a medium-term time horizon.

Languages: Italian (also possible in French, German or English)

Price: to be agreed.

For further information, write to us or call us on 079/30.26.339.