Semi narratives

  • "Dying to live": a new culture of death - 05.29.2024

  • Duduum at the Mendrisio Elementary School - May 2024

    Telling the journey of a bean, its transformation and then tasting it in its pure form! What an experience children.

  • Visit to CPT Trevano at the Buletti Laboratory and intervention by DUDUUM

    The PAPA and PACO classes concluded the school year in June 2024 with a visit guided by Bruno Buletti to his laboratory. Followed by DUDUUM Experience.

  • Mokafestival, Balerna June 2024

    DUDUUM the Mokafestival was invited for two DUDUUM Experiences in the wonderful setting of SACEBA (an old cement factory now used for artistic events).
    Video 1
    Video 2

  • "From Love Journey" - Barcelona 2-4.7.2024

    DUDUUM co-designed and facilitated with Dalilah and Bere Hernandez (Mexico) a transformative journey for a circle of women.
    Video 1
    Video 2

  • Initiative of change: Inner Development Goals, Caux, July 2024

    DUDUUM participated in this wonderful Forum. A truly transformative experience. DUDUUM participated in the co-design and co-facilitation of the workshop " The transformative power of a more conscious relationship with food".
    Video 1
    Video 2